李 建英 / Gun Young Lee
白い日陰がさす庭 / The white shaded backyard / 흰 그늘진 마당
2020.3.31 (tue) – 4.12 (sun)
Open 12:00 – 19:00 Closed Mondays
The space seen in ‘The white shaded backyard’ is a deserted area where people were using it for the reasons. This originally natural space becomes a discarded and useless area. Like this, this space is entangled with the present and the past time. Even though discarded, now it contacts and creates for becoming a new place.
I would like to explain my photo being full of implications to show the poetic impression ‘white shaded’.
First, adding the term ‘white’ to the bright shadow not to the dark shadow, I intend to recognize the deserted, discarded, and chaotic space where something can be created or reproduced by viewers.
Second, the meaning of ‘yard’ is a space which is close and empty. At the same time, it has the multiple meanings of shattered time and space which has been used in the traditional Korean masked dance in order to express Madang 1, Madang 2.
Showing the wounded natural features by facing each other and metaphorical space where the nature is recovered from the ruin, I would like to show the never ending features of nature and generative space showing self-circulative vital energy of nature.
‘흰 그늘진 마당’에서 보여 지는 공간은 인간이 어떤 목적에 의해 사용하다 버려진 공간이다. 본래자연이었던 이 공간은 그렇게 폐기 처분되어 이름 지을 수 없는 공간이 되었다. 이렇게 이 공간은과거와 현재가 뒤엉키는 공간이 되었으며, 버려졌으나 본래의 자연이 다시 교접하고 생성하는 공간인 것이다.
본인은 ‘흰 그늘’이라는 시적 표현으로서 작업에 대해 함축적으로 설명하고 있다.첫째로 어두운 그림자가 아닌 밝은 어둠인 그늘에 ‘흰’이 붙음으로써 사진 속 공간들에 단순히 인간에 의해 버려지고 폐기처분 되어진 공간, 혹은 혼돈의 공간이 아닌 다시 소생하고 생성하는 공간임을 의미하고 있다.
둘째로 ‘마당’의 의미는 지척에 있는 빈 공간을 의미하며 동시에 탈춤에서 사용하는 한 마당, 한 마당처럼 파편화된 시간성에 대해 중첩적 의미로 마당이라는 시공간적 단어를 사용하였다.
본인은 이러한 공간을 마주하는 행위를 통해 상처 입은 자연의 얼굴들을 보여주며 다른 한편으로는그 폐허 위로 다시 회귀하는 자연이 함께 존재하는 이중의 공간을 보여줌으로 자연의 멈추지 않는생명력, 즉 문명으로 아무리 상처를 받아도 다시 생명을 일깨우는 자연의 자기 순환적 생성력을 드러내는 생성의 공간을 보여주고자 하였다.
Born in Korea
2010 MFA in photography, Hongik University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
2007 BFA in photography, Kyungil University of Korea, Gyeongsan, Korea
2016 , creative support project, BMW Photo Space, Busan, Korea
2015 , creative support exhibition, SPACE 22, Seoul, Korea
2014 , BAEDARI Photo Gallery, Incheon, Korea
2014 , SongEun ArtCube, Seoul, Korea
2011 , PHOTO BELT Exhibition, Gallerie PICI, Seoul, Korea
2009 , Gallery IS, Seoul, Korea
2017 , photography+science, Anhui, China
2017 , expression/representation, Lishui, China
2017 , #43, Sensation Photography, DUMBO, NY, USA
2016 SEOUL PHOTO FESTIVAL, , #48 Sensation Photography, DUMBO, NY, USA
2015 Exhibition, SongEun Artspace, Seoul, Korea
2015 Exhibition, modernplus gallery, Ilsan, Korea
2015 Exhibition, modern plus gallery, Ilsan, Korea
2014 Exhibition, 1839 gallery, Sooncheon, Korea
2013 , SPACE22, Seoul, Korea
2013 Successive generations SAJIN BIPYONG Award Artist Exhibition ‘succeeding’,Topohaus ,Seoul, Korea
2012 DAEGU PHOTO BIENNALE, How a City Works Exhibition, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
2012 Dong Gang International Photo Festival, Street Installation Exhibition, The 6th Exhibition ;Rediscovery of Yeongwol, Yeongwol, Korea
2012 SAJIN BIPYONG Award Artist Exhibition, Gallery Arto, Daegu, Korea
2012 SAJIN BIPYONG Award Artist Exhibition, Gallery IANG, Seoul, Korea
2010 young Artist Exhibition, GaGa Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2010 , Jang Heoung ArtPark, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
2008 Post & Photo The 6th, Topohaus, Seoul, Korea
2007 Post & Photo The 5th, Topohaus, Seoul, Korea
2016 Creative support project, BMW Photo Space, Busan, Korea
2014 The 1st The Society of Korea Photography Excellence portfolio award, Korea
2014 Creative Arts Support Program, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Seoul, Korea
2013 SongEun Art Cube exhibition support, SongEun Art Foundation, Seoul, Korea
2012 THE 13th SAJIN BIPYONG Award , PHOTOSPACE, Seoul, Korea
2011 PHOTO BELT, The Korea Print and Photo Association, Seoul, Korea